Serve the City is a mission volunteer initiative organized for our congregation to live out the mission to impact the city for good. Whether it is serving the city, or traveling internationally, partnering with Potential Church throughout the month makes a difference.
Together we serve and take care of the community we live in by partnering with trusted organizations in our community.

We sponsor a Lasagna to families in need. Potential Missions team provides the ingredients and we ask our volunteers to make a home cooked lasagna for families that are in need of a meal. We also provide a card to the family encouraging them and on behalf of Potential Church and the volunteers. The volunteer also delivers the lasagna to their home. Volunteering to be good to our neighbors by helping them put food on the table and feel they are cared for by the community!

Loving on the kids as we spend time playing outdoors, celebrating birthdays, having a water day with foster children. Providing a day of quality time.

Deliver hygiene packets to people experiencing homelessness in Broward County. The packs contain vital necessities that allow those experiencing homelessness present themselves well when looking for employment and also just overall cleanliness while navigating such a hard season.

Volunteers must be able to serve from 6:15 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. engaging with foster, adoptive & biological children (ages infant – 12 years of age) through interactive and recreational activities so that both parents AND children can enjoy an evening of much-needed encouragement and support. For the safety & protection of the children, all Kids Night Out volunteers must register to serve in advance and will receive a Level 1 background screening clearance.
To volunteer at Kids Night Out, please complete the form below and click the blue “Submit” button. You will receive more information and reminders from the 4KIDS Volunteer Department. (If you don’t see the email from Volunteer@4KIDS.us, please check your spam).

Adopt a Meal – Prepare a healthy, home cooked meal as a support service to families who are taking care of their sick children.

Partner with the Broward Outreach Center by preparing a meal at the shelters kitchen and then also serving the meal to people experiencing homelessness in Broward County.

Providing an opportunity for little kids to be the hands and feet of Jesus by creating cards that we will deliver to those who are hurting or neglected in our community such as our veterans, first responders, the elderly and homeless.

Volunteers to complete “kitchen duties”; mail area; distributing clothing; distributing hygiene bags, etc. to service clients of the organization.

Prayer walk hosted by Love Life. org in Plantation. Weekly on Saturday mornings the local church meets with the Love Life team for a time of worship and prayer as together they walk in the community sharing the truth of love and life.

Moments Hospice is a medical organization in the Miami area that provides hospice care for individuals and is committed to honoring patient’s and family’s wishes during the end of life process. Volunteers provide necessary emotional support and companionship, making the best of what is left from life to terminally ill patients. Volunteers can serve as a patient visitor, virtual bereavement support, or participate in Moments Hospice’s bereavement newsletter development.

Trunk-or-Treat Boo Crew
Trunk-or-Treat is an outreach event we do every year for our community. This event allows us to impact families that may not know about Potential Church.
Our team of incredible staff and volunteers create a fun and safe alternative on Halloween for families to dress up in their favorite costumes, collect tons of candy, and experience the love of the local Church!
Please complete ONE form per person.
Submit your VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION by OCTOBER 12, 2023 to allow time for processing and TOT23 branded t-shirt availability.

Trunk-or-Treat Sponsor
Trunk-or-Treat is an outreach event we do every year for our community. This event gives us the opportunity to impact families that may not know about Potential Church. Our team of incredible staff and volunteers create a fun and safe alternative on Halloween for families to dress up in their
favorite costumes and collect tons of candy.
We have come a long way, but we still need your support.
Your generous contribution will help us extend our mission
and impact the community and next generation.
Give To The Vision
Give to the vision of Potential church so that we can partner with people to reach their God Potential.